Sunday, September 11, 2005

Haiku Reviews Vol. 2

Killer 7
I hate Jack Thompson
this game is all about style
it will haunt your mind

Sigma Star Saga
side-scrolling shooter
on-foot missions are boring
not worth thirty bucks

King of Fighers '02 / '03
really fast and fun
online actually works
but people play cheap

Makai Kingdom
just one more NIS game
not as fun as Disgaea
really kind of bland

Resident Evil 4
best in the series
chainsaw guy cut off my head
more games like this please

Metal Slug 4 / 5
better than last one
the game is still really hard
too hardcore for me

Digital Devil Saga 2
couldn't beat first one
assume you still eat people
the next game on PSP

- Will


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I won't say I wish that I could grow up. Because that's never been option I've even considered. But the sacred place of Resident Evil 2 in my heart will never let me truly keep open eyes. I say this because I was growing up when I played it, but I'm still growing up. When I am grown up, ideally I'll play RE4 with an open mind. Or maybe I'll just wish that I was still growing up, and long for such an experience. Now I don't know what I'm doing. Growing or dying.

12:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see the problem here, anyone who loved RE2 should positively adore RE4, as it is basically a continuation of the RE2 plot with better graphics, better gameplay, and an overall better style. I more than understand the effects of nostalgia on one's judgement, but in this case I think RE4 can only increase and in fact enshrine such nostalgia.

6:10 AM  

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